nembel / apps
Note:  The best way to search for apps is from the home page or toolbar.  Type keywords into the input box - do not hit enter - and results will be shown.
DEV: ssl cert view
Examine the SSL certificate of a given website using
WEB: Instapaper text reader
Read a web article using without saving it.
XKCD search
Search for a relevant XKCD comic strip using using
TEXT: create md5 hash
Create an MD5 hash from a given string (client side).
DEV: what cms
Guess the CMS used by the given web page URL using
DEV: analyze web tech
Analyze the technology and software behind a given web page URL using
OpenSearch Query
Search using the default search provider.
TEXT: list count
Return the number of items in a given list; the length or size of a list.
TEXT: list → mark duplicate items
In a given list, mark duplicate items. Mark any occurrences of an item found after the first.
WEB: big text message
Create a "Big Text Message" using; Displays given text in a large font on a plain white page; A very simple web note.
WEB: big text data msg
Display given text in a large font on a plain white page; A very simple web note. [EXPERIMENTAL]
TEXT: lists → common items
Find items from a given text list which are also within a 2nd list.
PAGE: video filter effects
Apply a given filter directly to a video on the page. [EXPERIMENTAL]
PAGE: get url - title
Returns the URL and title of the current page in the format "{{URL}} - {{TITLE}}".
TEXT: insert lines between
Insert a blank line between each existing line in given text.
PAGE: night mode
Attempt to create a generic "night mode" on page by inverting some colors.
TEXT: validate crontab
Do very simple validation of given crontab text. [EXPERIMENTAL]
PAGE: no new tabs
Prevent links on the page from opening new tabs or windows. [EXPERIMENTAL]
PAGE: new tab links
When any link on page is clicked, it will open in a new tab window.
TEXT: win file path ↔ url
Convert between a Windows file path and a URL.
Google AdWords AdPreview
With given keywords, view AdWord ads that will be displayed on Google. Uses
Linux command TL;DR search
Search tldr-pages for help on Linux and OSX commands using
CommandlineFu search
Google Trends search
Check search popularity and trends using image search
Search for images by keywords or by similarity using, a search engine based in Russia.
DEV: Amazon EC2 Console
Search for a machine instance in your Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 Management Console.
PAGE: popup window test
Open a simple test "popup" window.
spell check text
Spell check given text.
TEXT: split into lines (auto)
Split given text into multiple lines by guessing the delimiter.
WEB: page → pdf
Create a page from the current page or a given URL using
SQL: prettify
Reformat given SQL code to make it more pretty or readable. [EXPERIMENTAL]
WEB: icalendar file (ics) validate
Validate the content of an online iCalendar file. Also known as vCalendar.
SQL: csv → sql
Given delimited data like CSV or TSV, generate insert SQL statements. [EXPERIMENTAL]
TEXT: list → unique items
Returns only distinct items from a given list. Unique items from a list; deduplicate.
TEXT: lists → missing items
Find items from a given text list which are not in a 2nd list.
random stuff
Generates random stuff. See options. [EXPERIMENTAL]
TEXT: CSS minify light
Lightly minify given CSS text. [EXPERIMENTAL]
TEXT: add line numbers
Insert line numbers at the beginning of each line of given text.
VIDEO: pic / frame grab
Grab a frame from a video on the page, including YouTube videos.
WEB: download Chrome extension
Generate a link to download the .crx file for a given Google Chrome extension.
Baidu search
Search the web using, a search engine based in China. search
Search the web using, a search engine based in Russia.
TEXT: date translate; yyyy-mm-dd
Find dates in given text and modify the format. Default format is YYYY-MM-DD, international format. [EXPERIMENTAL]
WEB: archive & cache search
Search for a copy of the given page in public internet archives, caches, and mirrors.
roll dice
Returns a random number between 1 and 6, or between 1 and a given value.
HTML: add mailto links
Detect email addresses in HTML text and wrap them with mailto links.
HTML: tsv text → table
Given tab separated values, create code for an HTML table. [EXPERIMENTAL]
TEXT: quotes change ' ↔ "
Change quotation marks from single to double, and vice versa.
TEXT: list → quoted list
Wrap each item in a given list with quote marks. play vid; no login
Watch videos on without logging in.
Deturl: youtube tools
Submit a YouTube URL to for downloading and many other tools.
PAGE: render math LaTeX
Render mathematical formulas encoded in a page as LaTeX. Uses MathJax.
Bing: animated gif search
Search for animated GIF images using Bing's image search.
Voat: search / goto
Search or use shortcuts.
IMG: html → canvas image
Creates a canvas image from the HTML of the current page. search
Google map → image
View or save a Google map as an picture. Generate a static map image. [EXPERIMENTAL]
PAGE: mirror flip page
Horizontally flip the page.
PAGE: mirror flip video
Horizontally flip any video on the page.
TXT: text urls → hyperlinks
Given a URL, or list of URLs, create a list of hyperlinks.
Reddit: copy thread
Copy a comment thread from [EXPERIMENTAL]
TXT: de-zalgo
Convert Zalgo text to normal text.
HTML: add html
Append given HTML to the body.
PAGE: social button details
Display details about social sharing buttons, such as "like" or "share", on the current page. [EXPERIMENTAL]
Reddit: expand comments
On a comments page, expand comments/threads you previously collapsed.
JS: del console statements
Remove `console.log` and similar statements from given JavaScript code. [EXPERIMENTAL]
PAGE: video max size
Maximizes the video to fill the browser window.
PAGE: show age of dates
For any date on page, show age from a given date of birth or other start date. [EXPERIMENTAL]
DEV: CSS beautify & unminify
Beautify or un-minify CSS from a current CSS file. [EXPERIMENTAL]
PAGE: show video/audio controls
Enable player controls on embedded VIDEO and AUDIO page elements.
WEB: content length / file size
Get the content length or file size for a given URL in bytes.
WEB: whois lookup
WHOIS lookup on a given URL or domain.
PAGE: kill popups
Attempts to prevent all popups.
HTML: unicode → entities
Convert any Unicode (non-ASCII) characters in given text to HTML character entities.
Reddit: unvote all
Undoes votes on Reddit posts. [EXPERIMENTAL]
WEB: chan archives search
Find an existing archive for a given page on 4chan or 8chan. [EXPERIMENTAL]
Kindle reader copy text
Enable an option to copy text from Kindle Cloud Reader,
Google: txt → speach
Convert text to mp3 audio using Google Translate.
DEV: set page html
Update current page with given HTML.
TEXT: number ↔ words
Convert a numerical number to words and vice versa.
PAGE: append new page
Given a URL or list of URLs, will append them to the current page. [EXPERIMENTAL]
Google Chrome extensions: search
Search for Google Chrome browser extensions at
JsFiddle: create
Create a new JsFiddle project. [EXPERIMENTAL]
DEV: GitHub ↔ preview, cdn, io page URL → links to,,,, and
PAGE: no referrer
Prevent links on the current page from passing referrer information.
Gfycat: host image
Copy the current image to to share online.
SYS: ssh test
Test to see if SSH service is available on a given host and port; Uses 3rd party server.
LANG: Japanese transliterate
Convert / transliterate Japanese: hiragana ↔ katakana ↔ romaji
DEV: color picker
Show a color picker tool to get an RGB, hex, or HSB color value.
YIFY torrent search
Search search
NEMBEL: imgop test
IMG: get pixel color
Get color from part of an image.
IMG: → txt with ocrad
Perform OCR on the current image using OCRAD; client side. [EXPERIMENTAL]
IMG: → txt with gocr
Perform OCR on the current image using GOCR; client side. [EXPERIMENTAL]
Zillow: search
Search for for-sale homes and property value information.
Amazon: share cart
Create a link to share/export the items in your Amazon shopping cart.
Linux Hardware Guide search
DEV: user agent analysis
Analyze a web browser's user agent string at
forex currency history
Lookup historical currency exchange rates at [EXPERIMENTAL]
CanIUse: search
IMG: gif explode
Split a given animated gif into individual frames at
PAGE: auto-scroll
Keep scrolling the page down. [EXPERIMENTAL]
nihon cache next image
RELATED: /ncinf
DEV: XSS test
Simple test for web page XSS (Cross Site Scripting) vulnerability. [EXPERIMENTAL]
WEB: alarm timer
Create an alarm timer at [EXPERIMENTAL]
TEXT: longest lines
Return the longest line (or lines) from given text.
TEXT: delete lines
Delete lines in given text which contain a given search string.
SQL: quote cols for csv/tsv
Convert a SQL select list so that output values are quoted suitably for use as CSV or TSV data. [EXPERIMENTAL]
PAGE: find English version
Find links to English version of page. [EXPERIMENTAL]
DEV: regex escape
Escape characters in a string necessary to use it within a regular expression.
IMG: EXIF data
Read the EXIF meta data from an image; client side. [EXPERIMENTAL]
PAGE: no javascript
Reload the current page with all script removed. [EXPERIMENTAL]
TEXT: kill lines; collapse
Multiple lines → single line. Delete all line breaks in given text.
PAGE HTML: url → full
Convert relative URL links to full URLs: domain, path, query.
PAGE: split vertical
Split the page into 2 left and right side-by-side frames, each with a separate copy of the current page.
PAGE: split horizontal
Split the page into 2 top and bottom frames, each with a separate copy of the current page.
PAGE: LaTeX macro helper
Tool that assists in writing LaTeX macros.
PAGE: loop video/audio
Loop any video or audio on the page. [EXPERIMENTAL]
Nembel Default Search
Change Nembel's default search engine.
PAGE: fancybox image viewer
Use a lightbox image viewer to view all linked images on the current page. [EXPERIMENTAL]
Google: safe browsing
Check if Google has found malware on a given site.
TEXT: join lines
Join given lines of text; join together with given joining text.
TEXT: split into lines
Split given text into multiple lines; split based on text to find. domain search
Search to see if a domain name is available. add to playlist
Add a YouTube video to your personal playlist at - no account required.
PAGE: change favicon
Use a given image as the favicon for the current page.
DEV: confirm
For testing t.confirm
Amazon: Kindle Unlimited search
Search the Kindle store at
PAGE: readable (basic)
Make text on a page easier to read; basic version; page styles only.
PAGE: direct links
Change indirect links into direct links.
DEV: robot block test
Test if the current page is blocked by the robots.txt file of the current site.
DEV: seo analysis
Perform SEO (search engine optimization) analysis of the current page.
WEB: image sequence find
View additional images in a sequence of images by changing the numbers in the URL.
TIME: date and time
Displays the current local date and time, or convert a given time to local time.
PAGE: enable password paste
Enable the ability to paste text into a password box.
TIME: now
Display the current date and time.
TIME: Greenwich Mean Time
Return current Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or convert a given time to GMT.
Pixoto: 18+ content - Remove adult content filter from gallery images.
NEMBEL: request an app
Suggest a new app you would like or changes to an existing one.
TEXT: vim style editor
Vim-like text editor.
TEXT: editor
Simple text editor.
NEMBEL: auto-run settings
Modify the auto-run settings for a given app.
Netflix: search
WEB: page →
Archive a web page using
USPS: find mailbox
Search for USPS blue mailboxes and service locations with
Skype: clean text
Cleans up text copied from Skype comments. Removes user name and time stamps. [EXPERIMENTAL] shorten link
Get a short link for a given URL using Google's service.
PAGE: get bg pic
Lets you click on background pictures (background-image) to open them in a new tab. [EXPERIMENTAL]
Get all notes for a Tumblr post. [EXPERIMENTAL]
WEB: pdf / postscript → image
Convert an online PDF file and PostScript files to gif images using
WEB: doc viewer (pdf, doc, etc)
View PDF, MS Word, and other files as HTML using
PAGE: foreign vocab tips
Vocabulist - Hover over words on the page to see/hear a translation. Supports many languages. search
Use to check a Dogecoin wallet or other.
Hacker News: search
Search Hacker News,
DATE: menstration → est. birth
Given date of end of last menstrual cycle, estimate a possible birth date.
DATE: birth → date conceived
Given a birth date, estimates a date of conception.
TEXT: base64 encode/decode
Convert a given text string to base64; and vice versa.
PAGE: Hacker News - collapsible
Enable threads on to be collapsed and expanded.
Github: search
WEB: play media (vid/aud/img)
Play a given media file URL; audio, video, or image.
IMG: → ascii art
Convert an online image to ASCII art.
TEXT: csv → table
Convert CSV data into an HTML table.
IMG: crop
Crop an online image.
PAGE: YouTube - set wide
YouTube setting: make the "large player" setting a semi-permanent setting.
DEV: divAlert
Nembel API test: jslt.divAlert
DEV: ec2 domain -> ip
Convert a public EC2 domain to ip address.
HTML: encode attribute val
HTML-encode given text for use as an attribute value; minimal encoding.
JS: create bookmarklet
Convert JavaScript into a bookmarklet.
JS: json key swap
Swap keys/values of associative-array-style JSON.
PAGE: create HTML iframe
Create an iframe within the current page using a provided URL.
Linux/Unix: man page search
Google search for Linux and Unix man pages for a given search term.
Mozilla Dev Net: search
Search (Mozilla Developer Network). search
Search (W3C, World Wide Web Consortium)
PAGE: table - number rows
Numbers the rows of every table by adding add a number column.
TEXT: collapse whitespace
Compact all whitespace in given text.
PAGE: delete text
Delete text on the page.
DEV: html of social metadata
Show the HTML of meta data tags for social media.
PAGE: list feeds (RSS)
List RSS/XML/ATOM feeds found on the current page.
WEB: go to URL (directly)
Go to a given URL location; Parses provided text or selected HTML. [EXPERIMENTAL]
PAGE: create HTML video
Create a HTML5 video tag on the current page using a provided URL.
NEMBEL: about
A quick description of
NEMBEL: help
A quick description of how to use
PAGE: speed read (2)
"LazyReader" - Tool help you read the page faster.
TIME: age/duration
Return the duration since/until a given date; Duration shown in years, months, days, hours, and seconds.
TIME: sum times
Add up the total sum of times found in a block of text. [EXPERIMENTAL]
YouTube: region check
Check in which regions or countries a YouTube video is allowed or blocked.
GoodReads: search
Flickr: url → source
Given a direct URL of a Flickr image, go the original source.
JS: jsonp
Get JSONP data from a specified URL or beautify a given JSON string.
Tumblr: url → source
Given a Tumblr post URL, go to the source.
MATH: graph
Show a given 2D graphing formula on
INFO: page size
Reports the height and width of the current web page document.
INFO: window size
Reports the height and width of your browser window.
INFO: viewport size
Reports the height and width of your browser's viewport (inner window) in pixels.
PAGE: add torrent links
Adds links on popular movie search engines to popular torrent search engines for listed film and movie titles. [EXPERIMENTAL]
DEV: Gist → Jsbin
Trial a Gist using
IMG: split stereo 3d → wiggle
Display a cross-eye view 3D image as a wiggle-gram at
TEXT: diff detailed
Show detailed differences between two blocks of text. - search
PAGE: create HTML img
Show an image on the current page using a provided URL.
DEV: http check
Check the HTTP headers of a page and more at
PAGE: resize elements
Allow you to resize elements on the page to move them; all or only some. [EXPERIMENTAL]
WEB: report malware site
Report a website/webpage with malware to Google.
WEB: report fake site; phishing
Submit a fake website/webpage to Google; also known as a phishing sites.
PAGE: drag elements
Allow you to drag elements on the page to move them; all or only some.
DEV: font - drag/drop
Drag fonts from your computer onto any website for testing.
Amazon: Kindle store search
Search the Kindle store at
Google: book search
Google books extractor
Extract pages from
TIME: yyyy-mm-dd
Return the current date or given date in the format year-month-day.
YouTube: subtitles download
Download the subtitles file for a given YouTube video using
HSL color picker
Use to pick or manipulate a color
PAGE: show hover titles
Show the title text which appears when you hover over a link or other page element.
WEB: page → Wayback Machine
Save the a page at the "Wayback Machine",
TEXT: flip vertical
"Flip" given text upside down.
TEXT: grep
A very basic emulation of grep using JavaScript. [EXPERIMENTAL]
DEV: ls form inputs
Create a list of all form inputs as selectors. [EXPERIMENTAL]
TEXT: quotes fix
Replace curved quote marks with straight quote marks.
JS: obj value
Show the value of a given JavaScript object or expression.
TEXT: sentence case
Capitalize the first letter of each sentence and each "i".
unicode search
Search for Unicode characters at
PAGE: saveable HTML
Save webpages to disk as they appear. [EXPERIMENTAL]
Google Mail: search & goto
Search; Use shortcuts.
Namesilo: search your domains
Search for your personal domains.
PAGE: rotate
Rotate the current web page; Usually 90° left or right.
Pixlr: edit image
Edit an image using
PAGE: video / audio speed
Add speed control to embedded HTML5 videos and audio, including YouTube.
DEV: string → text
Convert a quoted program string into plain text. [EXPERIMENTAL]
JS: simple editor
Very simple JavaScript editor and sandbox.
TEXT: css !important
Add "!important" to each declaration in provided CSS text.
HostCabi: server host info
See which company is hosting a website using; And other site information.
IMG: gif controller
Pause, play, reverse, and step through the frames of an animated GIF.
Google Calender: search
Perform a search at
TEXT: align columns
EXPERIMENTAL: Align columns of text in comma separated data.
PAGE: table sort
Make all tables on the current page sortable.
DEV: simple HTML editor
Very simple two frame HTML editor and sandbox.
LANG: Japanese year
Convert Japanese year numbers to western year numbers; and vice versa. Get current year.
PAGE: kill colors
Change all text to black on white; links to standard blue. sidebar tool
Open the official sidebar tool from on the current page.
FORM: do not wrap input
Prevent text input boxes from wrapping long lines.
run a user-script
Immediately run a Greasemonkey or similar user script on the current page. [EXPERIMENTAL]
TEXT: title case
Change provided text to title case (proper case, name case).
DEV: url editor
View and edit decoded URL query string parameters.
NEMBEL: create search app
Use the search box on the current page to create a new search app for Nembel.
TIME: age/duration → seconds
Convert a time duration or a specific time into seconds.
TEXT: clean win file name
Replace forbidden characters in a Windows file name. [EXPERIMENTAL]
TEXT: prepend lines / indent
Insert a given string before each line of text.
TEXT: spaces → -
Replace spaces with dash characters (hyphen-minus characters).
TEXT: spaces → _
Replace spaces with underscore characters.
TEXT: - and _ → spaces
Replace dash and underscore characters with spaces.
TEXT: collapse whitespace (ln)
Compact all whitespace in given text; preserves lines except empty ones.
TEXT: trim lines
Trim whitespace from each line of given text.
WEB: shorten link natively
Shorten links to popular sites natively; no 3rd party site. [EXPERIMENTAL]
TEXT: mail-quote
Quote lines of text using standard e-mail format.
TEXT: wrap lines
Break up long lines of text into multiple lines.
PAGE: speed read
"Force Feed" - Tool to learn or practice speed reading.
NEMBEL: app editor
Create a new personal app for Nembel, or edit an existing one.
JS: obj grep
Add a grep function to all JavaScript objects.
DEV: show js script
Displays all linked and embedded scripts in a single page.
TEXT: lines ↔ commas
Converts lines of text into a single-line comma-delimited list, and vice versa.
DEV: text → quoted string
Convert multi-line text into a quoted program string. [EXPERIMENTAL]
TEXT: right of
Keep the part of each line of text which is left of specified text.
TEXT: left of
Keep the part of each line of text which is left of specified text.
PAGE: kill surveys
Bypass surveys on a page.
PAGE: mark HTML elements
Mark specified elements in the page.
Reddit: moderator tools
EXPERIMENTAL: Adds moderator tools for
Reddit: find links on page
Find, list, count, and highlight links in user comments; with an option to 'open all'.
Startpage: search
Search the web using
WEB: test if site is down
Test if a website is up or down using image operations
Submit an image URL and get a list of possible image tools at
TEXT: reverse lines
Reverse the order of lines in a list.
TEXT: append to lines
Add text to the end of each line in a list.
TEXT: sort lines
Sort each line of a list in alphabetical order.
Reddit: see orig comment
UnedditReddit: See the original version of a comment on Reddit, uneddited or undeleted.
GifSound: create
Create a gif + sound mashup at
PAGE: table - alt row colors
Alternate the colors of every other table row.
DEV: view localStorage
View data in localStorage and sessionStorage.
SQL: SP args → set & condition
(EXPERIMENTAL) Convert SQL code: change stored procedure arguments into SET statements, and conditionals.
SQL: SP vars → declare & set
(EXPERIMENTAL) Convert SQL code: change variables in the definition of a stored procedure into DECLARE and SET statements.
Reddit: toggle sidebar
Hide the sidebar on
Google: search site & path
Use Google to search for pages only from the current site and path.
PAGE: reload timer
Reload the current page on a specified time interval.
WEB: add/remove www
Add or remove "www." from the current domain name.
generate password
Generate a random password; client side.
Slashdot: search
nihon cache info
RELATED: /ncinfn
Reddit: x-post
Cross-post a submission on to a specified subreddit.
Google: animated gif search
Search for animated GIF images using Google's image search.
WEB: decrement url
Decrease the last number in the URL.
WEB: increment url
Increases the last number in the URL.
PAGE: 18+
Remove adult filter from thumbnail images on
BlockChain info: search
Use to check a Bitcoin wallet or other.
PAGE: show link urls
Show the URL value of all links on the page.
DEV: font fallback
FFFFALLBACK: Tool to find fallback fonts.
PAGE: kill overlays
Remove overlays from the current page. [EXPERIMENTAL]
WEB: slideshow → one page
Convert a page with a slideshow into a single web page. search
Search clean page
Clean up video pages on
DEV: bg patterns
SubtlePatterns: Try out hundreds of fee background pattern images.
Reddit: user highlighter
Highlight reddit user names with colors.
PAGE: play all YT videos
Find all the YouTube links in a page and play them back-to-back.
send to Kindle
Send the current page to Kindle using
PAGE: readable text
Make the current page easier to read or print.
AlternativeTo: search
Search for similar products, services, and websites.
CGHub: 18+ content
Show images at that have been hidden behind the mature content filter. search
PAGE: auto-next-page
Automatically append the next page to the current page as you scroll down.
PAGE: print what you like
Toolset to edit a page for printing.
PAGE: find & replace text
Find & replace text on the page.
PAGE: delete HTML elements
Delete HTML elements from the page for a given selector, including inner HTML.
PAGE: untag HTML elements
Remove HTML tags from the page for a given selector. Inner HTML is kept.
Reddit: posts for domain
Find all posts on Reddit for a given website domain.
FB share stats
See the number of likes/recommends, shares, and comments on Facebook about a page.
Vimeo: search
YouTube: thumbnail images
Display a list of images for a YouTube video.
PAGE: Google direct links
Change Google search results into direct links.
HTML: spaces →  
Replace spaces in given text with " ".
Kick Starter stats
See the graph and stats for a Kickstarter project at
gmap → iPhone map
Open a Google map webpage in the iPhone Maps app from Apple.
QR Code reader
Convert a QR Code image to a URL or text.
create .mobi e-book
Convert current web page to .mobi e-book.
create ePub e-book
Convert current web page to EPUB e-book.
TEXT: underline
Create Unicode underlined text.
TEXT: line through
Create Unicode line-through (strike-through) text.
WEB: Page Error Tools
Generate a group of links to troubleshoot webpages that seem to be failing.
classifieds: all pictures
Show photos directly in the search result on Craigslist,, Ebay classifieds, and Backpage. search
Search for torrents files.
DEV: ip ↔ number
Convert an IP address to/from its numerical value.
Remember the Milk
The Quick Add tool from
PAGE: allow exit
Prevents a page from confirming that you want to leave.
YouTube: storyboard pics
Generate a series of filmstrip thumbnail pictures depicting the current YouTube video.
PAGE: Japanese input
Add a Japanese input tool (IME) to the page. By Google.
Stack Exchange: search
Search, aggregate search of sites like Stack Overflow, Server Fault, Super User, etc.
MATH: sum numbers
Add up the total sum for all numbers found in a block of text.
PAGE: unhide elements
Show hidden page elements and form data.
Test default keyword parsing rules.
Google: define
Find word definitions with Google.
Google Docs: search, import, create
Google Docs: create a new document; view/import a web file; or search.
DeviantArt: 18+ content
Show images at that have been hidden behind the mature content filter.
WEB: dns history
Show the history of previous DNS records for a domain using
Google: links to
Find pages with links to a given URL.
show nofollow links
Show "nofollow" links.
Google: rich snippets
Use the Rich Snippets Testing Tool.
Open Graph test
Test/debug the compatibility of a web page with the Open Graph protocol.
FB Open Graph test
Test/debug the compatibility of a web page with Facebook's Open Graph protocol.
JS: obj print
Convert a JavaScript object into a human-readable string.
Execute Clojure code online.
PAGE: kill css
Disable CSS on the page.
DEV: web browser viewer
View and test a web page in another browser using
DEV: json data or url
Get JSON data from a specified URL or beautify a given JSON string.
JS: ajax
Get data from a specified URL via AJAX (XMLHttpRequest) and display as plain text.
TEXT: diff merge
Show differences between two blocks of text + merge options.
PAGE: stay on page
Stop yourself from accidentally closing, leaving, or reloading this page. Locks navigation to prevent page exit.
simulate iOS touch events
Phantom Limb - Simulate iPhone/iPad/iPod touch events in a desktop web browser.
LANG: Japanese kanji
Lookup the details for a single Japanese kanji using
LANG: Japanese dictionary
Search for Japanese words using the online Japanese dictionary at
PAGE: all pages / print view
View all pages of a multi-page web article. [EXPERIMENTAL]
Jap to Eng dictionary
PAGE: show news article
Remove subscription prompts which block some news websites; ex:,
Send URL to
PAGE: text urls → links
Convert plain text URLs on the current page to links that can be clicked.
intenger ↔ Roman numeral
Convert a number to the equivalent Roman numeral, or the reverse.
Trello import tasks
Bulk import many tasks into as cards.
pastebin diff
Enter two URLs from to see the differences in their code or text.
make formfill bkmarklet
Save the current form data as a new bookmarklet that will fill the form with one click.
PAGE: translate to imperial
Convert units on the page to imperial. Example: meters to feet, kilos to pounds.
PAGE: translate to metric
Convert units on the page to metric. Example: feet to meters, pounds to kilos.
PAGE: squeeze page
Make the current page more narrow without resizing the entire window.
LANG: ALC Eng-Jap dict
Search for the Japanese meaning of an English word or phrase on
PAGE: in-page link points
Show linkable navigation points inside the current page, using "#".
Add an image or video from the current page to
WEB: cache search
Search for a give webpage in the cache at
MATH: calculator
A simple in-page calculator.
Add new keyword parsing rule.
Reddit: rev img search
Find same or similar images on using
Godaddy: DNS manager
Go directly to the DNS management page for a domain hosted by
site uptime at Netcraft
Check the historical uptime, OS, and web server data for a domain using
WEB: Awesome Highlighter
Use to highlight text on a web.
Execute a command for the SuperTool at
find shared porn
Use to search 140+ forums and blogs for adult videos and images that have been uploaded and shared for free.
Topsy: search social media
Search social media sites using
Topsy: search Twitter
Search Twitter with
PAGE: make printer friendly
Clean a page for printing to save ink and reduce paper.
search Barnes & Noble
Firefox addons: search
Search for Firefox browser add-ons and extensions at
add to Google CSE
Add the current site or page to a Google Custom Search Engine (CSE). You must already have created or signed up to collaborate on a CSE, and also be signed into your Google account.
Price Grabber search
Search for products on
TEXT: line count
Count the number of lines in a block of text.
DuckDuckGo search
Search the web with anonymous search.
TinEye: rev img search
Find same or similar images on the web using
PAGE: create HTML hyperlink
Create a link on the current page using a provided URL.
Quix App
Meta-bookmarklet from which supports a variety of commands.
JS: json data viewer
Get JSON data from a specified url, validate, and beautify using
JS: regex
Test a regular expression against test data using Javascript.
Reddit: no custom style
Remove custom CSS styles on
Reddit: find subreddits
Find subreddits on
PAGE: list pics
List and count pictures in the current page; both inline and linked images.
PAGE: list links
Find, list, count, and highlight links in the current page; with an option to 'open all'.
Google side wiki
Open Google Sidewiki.
Google: shopping search
Search for products using Google Shopping.
Stack Overflow search
Tumblr: unfollow all
Bulk unfollow tumblr blogs. [EXPERIMENTAL]
convert page to picture
Convert the current web page to an image using iWeb2Shot from
DEV: discover font
Hover over any text to see the name of its font.
Google +1
Create a Google +1 button. Use command /g1 for the current page or "/g1 <URL>" for any other web page.
Google: blog search
Search blogs using
Google Cal: quick add
Add an event at
PAGE: edit / spellcheck
Edit page text; enable spell-check.
WEB: spell check page
Spell check the current web page using Use command "/respelt <URL>" to spell check a different page.
Chinese input
Add a Chinese language input tool (IME) to the page. When a small toolbar appears in the bottom right corner of the page, you can type Chinese into any input box. Use it's 'x' button to deactivate. See source link below for usage details (in Chinese).
Korean input
Add a Korean language input tool (IME) to the page. When active, a symbol appears next to text boxes. Use again to deactivate.
PAGE: Japanese input (3)
Add a Japanese language input tool (IME) to the page.
PAGE: Japanese input (2)
Add a Japanese input tool (IME) to the page.
virtual keyboard
Adds a virtual international keyboard to the page.
PAGE: readable code
Enhance the readability of example programming code on web pages.
TEXT: word count
Counts the number of words in a block of text. tool
Use tool from to make the current page easier to read or print.
Google news
Bing translate
Translate text or page with Microsoft Bing Translator.
google wikipedia
Search Wikipedia using Google.
PAGE: list frames
List the URLs of all pages that are contained in an iframe on this page, with option to 'open all'.
DEV: url → form post
Convert a URL into a form and submit it with the POST method.
Look up similar words using
add Ext Core
Install Ext Core JavaScript library
add YUI
Install the Yahoo User Interface (YUI) JavaScript library
add swfObject
Install the swfObject JavaScript library
add Dojo
Install The Dojo JavaScript library
add MooTools
Install MooTools JavaScript library
Install the library
add Prototype
Install the Prototype JavaScript library
add jQuery UI
Add jquery-ui.js to the page.
Reddit: comment tool
Add copy tools to each comment. [EXPERIMENTAL]
PAGE: download video/mp3
Download videos or MP3 from many sites, including YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Soundcloud, etc.
Search for a location using Highlight an address or location, or wait for the input prompt, or use command "/mapq <location>".
Yahoo! map
Search for a location using
Bing map
Search for a location using Bing maps, by Microsoft.
radio paradise
Open the streaming music radio player from
search the web
Perform a web search using the default search engine. To change your default search engine, open the drop down menu under the search button and select "change default search".
SEARCH: current site
Search the current website using the default search engine. shorten link
Shorten a provided link using
w3c feed validation
Validate syntax of Atom or RSS feeds using Use command /w3feed for an input prompt, or "/w3feed <url>". RELATED: /w3valid, /w3css, /w3link, /w3uni.
HTML: w3c unified
Check a web page using "W3C's Unified Validator".
HTML: w3c link checker
Check the links of a web page using
HTML: w3c css validation
Validate the CSS of a web page using
HTML: w3c validation
Validate the markup of a web page using
Shareaholic tool
Open the social bookmarking and sharing tool from
TIME: unix time stamp
Convert to/from Unix time (POSIX time).
font friend
"Enables rapid checking of fonts and font styles directly in the browser." Ideal for creating CSS font stacks. Its "killer feature is instant drag-and-drop font previewing right in the browser (Firefox 3.6+ only), in any document you're currently viewing." For details, see source link below. TIP: to close, click the "F" in the top right corner of the tool.
clear page
Clear all content from the current page by going to a blank page. You can return to the current page by using the back button. TECHNICAL: Changes page location to "about:blank".
mail server test
Check if a mail server is responding to outside connections.
Search for reviews of movies, tv, games, and music.
Rotten Tomatoes: search
Twitter: retweet + edit
Classic Retweet: Edit or add text to a retweet; a past feature removed by Twitter.
WEB: view as text
View the page as pure text only using
WEB: ascii browser
View the page as text only using
Yelp: search
ip location
Look up the approximate geographical location of any IP address at
WEB: let me google that...
Generate a link to, also known as
hex to int
Convert a hexadecimal number to an integer number. Input must contain a string of characters each between 0 and F. Acceptable inputs include "2E", "0x2E", "int('2E')", etc.
Convert an integer number to a hexadecimal number. Input must contain a number. Acceptable inputs include "123", "hex(123)", "v=123", etc.
hsv → rgb/hex
Convert HSV values to RGB values and a hexadecimal color code for HTML.
hsv ← rgb/hex
Convert an RGB or hexadecimal color to HSV (HSB) color values.
rgb ↔ hex / color name
Convert RGB color value to/from a hexadecimal code; Or color name to a hex code.
Xmarks search
Posterous post
Open the post tool from
Reddit: search / goto
Search or use shortcuts.
BookMooch search
Search, a book exchange site where people earn credits by giving and requesting books.
PAGE: translate currencies
Convert all money amounts on the page to the currency of your choice using recent exchange rates. [EXPERIMENTAL]
TEXT: reverse
Reverse the order of provided text.
Facebook "like" button.
Show a Facebook 'like' button for the current page.
NEMBEL: go home / run app
Go to, and optionally run an app.
cheat sheet (experimental)
INFO: screen size
Reports the height and width of your computer's screen resolution in pixels.
Twitter: score
Provide a quick overview of a Twitter user.
Twitter: embed a tweet
Generate code for embedding a twitter post on a blog or website.
PAGE: text of drop list
Extract data from inside a list box, select list, or dropdown.
PAGE: list css files
List and count every external CSS file used on this page, with option to 'open all'.
DEV: list js files
List and count every external JS file used on this page, with option to 'open all'.
Search for torrent files on
Send a command to Example command: "/yub gim cat"
TEXT: lower case
Change text to lower case.
TEXT: upper case
Change provided text to upper case.
WEB: clean url
Remove unnecessary parameters from a URL to make it shorter and cleaner.
TEXT: from unicode value
Convert a Unicode value to the corresponding character.
TEXT: to unicode value
Convert a character or string to Unicode values.
HTML: decode
Transform an HTML encoded string to plain text, and the reverse.
HTML: encode
Encode text for use in HTML.
YouTube: time link
Create a link to a specific time within a YouTube video.
Google: bookmark
Add a page to Google bookmarks.
DEV: page info
Reports information about the code and components used to develop the current web page.
DEV: user agent
Show the user-agent used by your browser. Get example agent strings, including web crawlers.
JS: errors alert
Show an alert message whenever a JavaScript error occurs.
Coral cache (
View or create a cached copy of a web page using Coral CDN.
WEB: url expand
Expand a short link to see the full target URL.
The official bookmarklet from
The official bookmarklet from
PAGE: list bg pics
List all background images on the current page.
DEV: http headers
Get HTTP response/request headers from a server or your browser.
Tumblr post
Create a post on
PAGE: rotate pictures
Rotate any image on the page by 90 degrees when you right-click on it.
open all pictures
List every large image on the page with option to 'open all' in new tabs.
Digg submit
Submit a page to Use command "diggsub" to submit the current page or "diggsub <URL>" to submit any other page. RELATED: Tool "Digg toolbar [diggbar]".
share on FriendFeed
The official bookmarklet from
Twitter: tweet a link
Share the current page on as a shortened link.
Twitter: tweet text
Tweet a text message on
DEV: add/get css
Add or get a CSS rule; append a stylesheet.
DIV: visual page events
Visually show the elements on the page that have event listeners with event and code.
jqeury alert
A quick way to run a simple JavaScript command with jQuery and show its output with an alert.
DEV: run jQuery code
A very quick way to run a simple JavaScript command with jQuery.
DEV: text of elements
Extract the inner text or value of page elements.
DEV: innerhtml of elements
Extract the inner HTML of elements matching a given jQuery (css) selector.
DEV: html of elements
Extract the HTML source of page elements.
NEMBEL: report problem
Report a problem or make a suggestion regarding the toolbar, a tool, or the Nembel home page.
PAGE: kill javascript
EXPERIMENTAL: Attempts to disable all JavaScript on the page.
PAGE: scrollable content
Tries to make it possible to scroll content that seems stuck, cutoff, or hidden below an edge.
DEV: mri css selectors
Tool to find and test CSS selectors.
DEV: xray css box model
See the box model for any HTML element on any web page.
lorem ipsum
Generate Lorem ipsum text.
similar site search
Search for site similar to the current one using
dock toolbar
Docks the toolbar so that whole page is visible.
PAGE: type tab chars
Enable ability to type tab characters.
Pirate Bay: search
Search for bit torrent files.
DEV: echo form data
Echo data that is submitted by any forms on this page to the browser.
square root
Calculate the square root of a given number. Use command "/sqrt <number>" or use the input prompt.
PAGE: enable right click
Re-enable right click, context menu, selecting text, and other mouse features.
FORM: checkbox hover
Tick/un-tick checkboxes by moving your mouse over them.
FORM: checkboxes toggle all
Tick or un-tick all checkboxes on the page as a group.
DEV: show/edit cookies
Show browser cookies for this page.
PAGE: font
Copy, edit, or change the default font of the current page.
Adobe community
Godaddy domain search
Search for domain availability using
Google map
Search for a location using
PAGE: form → new win
Cause all forms to open a new window when submitted.
Google: go to 1st result
Go to Google's 1st result. Same as Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.
liquid page
Allows you to move block level elements around on the page. Useful for quickly previewing small changes to the layout design of a web page. Affects div, ul, p, table elements.
Use to uncover levels of influence in politics by showing an enhanced view of the people, organizations and relationships described within the current page. Works best on news articles, blog posts, or press releases about politics. Use command "poligraft" for the current page or "poligraft <URL>" for any other page.
TIME: world time
Find the current time of a city, region, or country using
JS: alert
Show the result of a JavaScript snippet with an alert.
JS: run script / add file
Execute JavaScript code or add an external JavaScript file.
WEB: url encode
Encode text for use in a URL, and the reverse.
WEB: url decode
Transform a URI encoded string to plain text, and the reverse.
Use the powerful mathematical search engine
WEB: your ip address
Show your IP address as it seen by our server.
Look for coupons on Use command "retailmenot" for the current domain, or "retailmenot <domain>" for any other website.
TEXT: length
Count the number of characters in a block of text.
PAGE: mypage edit
Page editing tool for making a page printer friendly.
PAGE: click to delete
Delete parts of the page by clicking on them.
DEV: 960 grid
Adds a layout grid based on the "960 grid system". Useful for web designers.
DEV: aardvark
HTML DOM selector utility for selecting elements and doing various actions on them.
PAGE: invert colors
Invert colors on the page.
DEV: edit color
Change color of any elements on the page.
DEV: cssprism
Use, view, and modify the "color spectrum" of a CSS file.
Stumbleupon: reviews
See reviews at for the current page; See similar pages and categories.
Stumbleupon: bar
Add Stumbleupon toolbar to the top of the current page; rate; stumble to a new one.
Bitlet downloader
Inject 'download by bitlet' link in many torrent search engines to directly download torrents from the web with your browser. Should work on the pirate bay, mininova, demonoid, torrentmatrix, sumo torrent, torrent portal, meganova,,, and it should work on any other site who uses the .torrent file name extension. WARNING: Bitlet uses a Java applet.
NEMBEL: import bookmarklet
Import a bookmarklet for use as a personal app.
Firebug lite
Open the lite version of the popular web development tool Firebug. For more information visit
DEV: pixel distance
Allows you to obtain the number of pixels between any two points on a page in X an Y coordinates.
DEV: layout ruler
Adds rulers to the page for assisting in web page design.
DEV: layout grid
Puts a layout grid over the page for assisting in web page design.
DEV: list js frameworks
WTFramework: List which JavaScript frameworks are used on the current page.
WEB: create QR code
Create a QR Code
PAGE: hilite keywords
Highlight words in the page.
Turn websites into slides. "a cross-browser tool that enables you to browse multiple pages (i.e those featuring next/previous buttons, like Google search results) and archived web content, faster and with less effort than the usual one-page-at-once browsing." For more information and instructions, follow the source link below. Tip: It is cooler than it sounds.
PAGE: refresh css
Force all external CSS stylesheet files to refresh.
PAGE: show HTML blocks
Show borders of all DIV, P, and TABLE elements.
PAGE: show HTML div, p
Show border of DIV and P elements in the current table.
PAGE: show HTML tables
Show borders of all tables.
JS: add jQuery ($)
Appends jquery.js to the page, latest version.
PAGE: show HTML frames
Make the borders of all iframes on the page visible.
WEB: show referrer
Show the URL of the page that linked you to the current page by reading the HTTP referrer.
PAGE: form data
Show details of all forms on the page, including inputs and values.
WEB: check download links
Check the status of uploaded file locker links on a give web page. Uses
Reddit: submit / find
Submits a page to or finds earlier submissions, if they exist.
Reddit toolbar
Show toolbar from on this page.
PAGE: kill ads, etc
Attempt to remove common types of ads, prevent popups, and similar annoyances.
PAGE: mark links
Find and mark all links on the current page.
Page: underline links (toggle)
Add or remove underlines from links.
PAGE: font color
Copy, edit, or change the text color of the current page.
PAGE: color
Copy, edit, or change the background color of the current page.
PAGE: kill pictures
Remove all images on the current page, as if they never loaded.
WEB: up directory
Open the parent directory of the current page.
PAGE: fix status bar
Show the URL of a links in the status bar when the mouse is placed over the link. This is useful on some web pages that try to hide the link location or otherwise use the status bar for some other purpose.
PAGE: get main image
Directly view the largest image on a web page.
translate in page
Translate the current page in-line using Google.
PAGE: resize text input
Resize any textbox
Google: related (page)
Search for pages related to the current page using Google.
PAGE: enable password save
Enable your browser to save a password.
PAGE: add char counter
Add a live character counter below each text box on the page.
PAGE: edit/unlock form data
Enables modification of all visible form inputs, even those that are disabled or read-only.
PAGE: unlimit text input
Allow unlimited input into textbox in a web form.
PAGE: deselect radio button
Enables a choice of "none" for all radio select buttons.
PAGE: form post → get
Change all forms on the page from POST to GET.
PAGE: mark visited links
Mark all visited links on the current page.
WEB: Google cache search
Search for a given webpage in Google's cache.
WEB: Wayback Machine search (site)
Find archived versions of the current site's home page saved in the Wayback Machine at
WEB: Wayback Machine search
Find archived versions of the current page in the "Wayback Machine" at
PAGE: delete cookies
Delete browser cookies for the current website.
DEV: css selector gadget
Tool to discover and generate CSS selectors.
Stumbleupon submit
Personalized recommendations to Help You Discover the Best of the Web
xmarks URL lookup
Find similar pages, ratings, reviews and other information about the current page using Use command /xminfo for the current site or "/xminfo <URL>" for any other URL. RELATED: Tool /xmarks is a general search using xmarks.
PAGE: checkboxes invert
Invert the state of each checkboxes on the page.
HTML: generate source
View the generated source code of the current page.
print current page
Prints the current page that you are viewing. Will remove this toolbar before print begins.
PAGE: get password
Reveal the text inside a password input box. search
Find other websites similar to a given URL.
Google related (site)
Search for pages related to a site using Google.
Find and share similar websites to the current domain using
Searching for shared website passwords at
WEB: http → https
Change from HTTP to HTTPS for SSL security.
WEB: go back (to referrer)
Similar to a browser's "back button", but works even for pages that were opened in a new tab or window.
Web of Trust
Shows a Web Of Trust (WOT) report for a website.
Amazon: wish list
Add items from any website to your a "Universal Wish List" at
share on Facebook
Share video, music, or the URL from the current page using the "share" page on Facebook.
Yahoo! Bookmarks
Add the current page to Yahoo! Bookmarks
"The DiggBar enables you to Digg, read comments, find related content, and share stuff from any page on the Web. And it's presented in a short URL format, making it easy to share in emails, on Twitter, and via other services."
favorite in Windows Live
Quickly add the current web page as a favorite in Windows Live
Dailymotion seach
Search search
Search on
CNET search
ESPN search
Imageshack search
Linkedin search
CNN search
Search search
BBC search
Photobucket search
IMDB search
Hi5 search
Flickr search
Search for photos.
Amazon: search
Ebay search
Wordpress search
Microsoft search
Twitter: search
Myspace search
Wikipedia search
YouTube search
Facebook search
Search for people on
Alexa search
Search Can use command "/alexa <url>".
Google: translate
Translate text or page with Google / Leave a translated page.
PAGE: copy or edit title
Copy or edit the title of the current page or tab. search
Bing videos
Search for videos on the internet using
Yahoo videos
Search for videos on the internet using
Google: video search
Search for videos on the internet using
Bing: image search
Search for images by keywords or by similarity using
Yahoo images
Search for images on the internet using
Google image search
Search for images by keywords or by similarity using
Bing search
Search the internet using from Microsoft. Formerly MSN Search.
Yahoo search
Search the web using
Google search
Search the internet using
WEB: whois, Networksolutions
WHOIS lookup on a given URL or domain using
PAGE: find & highlight words
Find, highlight, and list words in a page. More advanced than standard browser page search.